Dow 30,000
Dow 30,000 Wow! Dow Jones Industrial Average reached 30,000 on Tuesday November 24,2021. At the 4pm Dow closed at the 30,046.24. Also the S&P 500 3635.41 record close. Nasdaq 12,036.79,Gold 1,8505.90,10 Year Tersury 0.882%, and Barrel of Oil 44.77. Why is the Dow reaching 30,000 so important. If of all it is point in history and its shows how far business have grown over the years. The correct way for stocks to appreciate is from profitablity. You may say a record close may indicate a overvalue market too. Though what happens is a market goes up but it cannot maintain a straight line. When it retracts is strengths the market and once the srll stops look out the is gooing to new highs. As investors we love it!