Risk Disclaimer

The Stock Market involves risk due to the fluctuations within the economy and therefore prices rise and drop.

CFE Finances only offers information about the Stock Market and no recommendations of how to invest in particular stocks within the Market. Top Choice Software LLC makes no warranties or guarantees that the information provided will yield high returns or no loss of money on your investment. The Information provided is not centered around any particular investment style, but instead offers many different approachs, you the user can create their own approach. With that said, Top Choice Software LLC cannot be held responsible for individual investment strategies explained within the courses.

All information provided is provided soley by instructors and outside sources, so they do not represent the opinons of Top Choice Software LLC on whether to buy, sell, or hold an investment. It is advised that you conduct your own stock research in order to form your own personal opinion of whether to buy, sell, or hold a stock.

While we try to ensure that all of the information provided on this website is kept up–to–date and accurate, we accept no responsibility for any use made of the information provided. All intellectual property rights are the property of Top Choice Software LLC. Top Choice Software LLC and its affiliates, will not be held responsible for the reliability or accuracy of the information available on this site. The content herein is provided in good faith and believed to be accurate; however, there are no explicit or implicit warranties of accuracy or timeliness made by Top Choice Software LLC or its affiliates. You agree not to hold Top Choice Software LLC or any of its affiliates liable for decisions that are based on information from this website.

Updated November 10, 2013